Page name: Hello! Chat [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-01-28 07:44:04
Last author: Praise Adonai
Owner: stuffAEAmade
# of watchers: 13
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The Hello! Stickers Chat Page!

Please use this page for chatting, and save the main pages for questions and such. :)

Who was here?

1. [*(.Randi.)*] Oooh, yeah! I'm so special! XD
2. [XxTsomexX] *smirks*
4. [deus-misereatur] :0 Lizz skipped three!
Next One: 3 is evil!!! mwhahaha! [.Toxic Valentine.]
5.[chelle RocKs] Tee hee *dances*
666.[Archeress of Mirkwood]Here I am!
7.(69)[the loved wolf]
9. I like this number! [The Black Goat]
12.[Junko987] I'm so cool,ice cubes are jealous!!
13. tags XD
66. Wait....did i miss a [kasaix.x]
14. [Praise Adonai] 's ok, I gotcher back on this one ^.^

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2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]:

2007-06-09 [chyu]: Like my DAMN little sister.
She is createn from a dream.
A dream from future.

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: oh, you dremt your mom had a kid and she did?

2007-06-09 [chyu]: First she didnt.
2 time she did but to early for tellin. Its not sure it survive.
3 time Yes, That time i dremed that it was a girl.

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: awww....cute.^_^

2007-06-09 [chyu]: bad luck.
Now. when she is 7 years old is it a nightmare.

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: Oo hey! just be glad you know her! i have two little brothers iv never met....

2007-06-09 [chyu]: Like my best friend have 2 big sisters but he se them 2 or 7 times a year.
I se mine each day.
Even when i try to chat she try to stop me.

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: awww.^ ^' like i said, at least you guys know em.

2007-06-09 [chyu]: If she goes on like this whoud i se it in her hand(The life-line shoud be shorter.).

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: T T ok, lets not get TOO drastic....

2007-06-09 [chyu]: ok

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: she might be a little annoying now, but shell mature and youll wish you never even thought of doing that.

2007-06-09 [chyu]: I only understand what ur saying when i have been away from her in more then a week

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: T T well, those 7 days make you think, huh? now, if you do that, itll be forever. see, you love her, just dont want to admit it.

2007-06-09 [chyu]: But next day is she in my way again.
She have luck that i dont like to do that.
Only in games.

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: .....ok.

2007-06-09 [chyu]: SHE TRYD TO HUG ME: HELP!

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: hugs her back.

2007-06-09 [chyu]: She is gone.

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: Oo you better not have pushed her....

2007-06-09 [chyu]: I didnt say anything to her.
I gave her my candy as offergift.

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: awww...cute.

2007-06-09 [chyu]: If i didnt shoud i be dead now.
(A joke.)

2007-06-09 [Aki Neko]: .....

2007-07-17 [hopscotchnerd]: you should be dead

2007-07-17 [The Black Goat]: What? I take candy from my younger siblings all the time! (JK)

2007-07-17 [hopscotchnerd]: you should die too

2007-07-17 [Aki Neko]: Ok....

2007-07-17 [The Black Goat]: *big innocenty eyes* I like sugar....

2007-07-17 [Aki Neko]: XD SUGAR!!!!!!

2007-07-18 [The Black Goat]: he he ^^

2007-07-18 [Aki Neko]: XDD

2007-07-18 [The Black Goat]: Meh... it is too early for me to be up!

2007-07-18 [Aki Neko]: Same....and its 10:11 here!

2007-07-18 [XxTsomexX]: its 1;25 pm here

2007-07-18 [Aki Neko]: Damn...

2007-07-18 [XxTsomexX]: lol

2007-07-18 [Aki Neko]: ^_^ So whats up?

2007-07-19 [The Black Goat]: 9 where I am... nothing much

2007-07-19 [XxTsomexX]: 1030 here :P

2007-07-19 [Aki Neko]: XD

2007-07-19 [TheKingdomLight]: haya!

2007-07-20 [The Black Goat]: lol crazy

2007-07-20 [TheKingdomLight]: .>

2007-07-20 [Aki Neko]: Yo!XD

2007-07-20 [TheKingdomLight]: You just keep poping up XDD

2007-07-20 [Aki Neko]: Yep, I do that alot!

2007-07-20 [TheKingdomLight]: lol

2007-07-21 [Aki Neko]: ^_^

2007-07-22 [TheKingdomLight]: ^^

2007-07-22 [The Black Goat]: pop!

2007-07-22 [TheKingdomLight]: HA

2007-07-22 [Aki Neko]: NA?

2007-07-22 [The Black Goat]: OMG! *dies*

2007-07-22 [Aki Neko]: Oo HE DIED!!!*Flat line*

2007-07-22 [TheKingdomLight]: *evil laughter!* Mwahahahahhahaha....
ima rp now!

2007-07-22 [Aki Neko]: Oo

2007-07-22 [TheKingdomLight]: >.> yes?

2007-07-22 [Aki Neko]: lol

2007-07-22 [TheKingdomLight]: ^^

2007-07-22 [Aki Neko]: Nya

2007-07-22 [TheKingdomLight]: ^^

2007-07-22 [Aki Neko]: Nya

2007-07-23 [TheKingdomLight]: haha

2007-07-23 [Aki Neko]: Mirror moves.

2007-07-23 [The Black Goat]: *blinks* I am soooo not a guy.......

2007-07-23 [*(.Randi.)*]: *laughs*

2007-07-23 [Aki Neko]: Ok.

2007-07-23 [The Black Goat]: #<'

2007-07-23 [Aki Neko]: What?

2007-07-23 [TheKingdomLight]: poor nox! XD

2007-07-23 [Aki Neko]: Oh.

2007-07-23 [The Black Goat]: v.v' doesn't matter.. but I didn't think I look like a guy at all!

2007-07-23 [Aki Neko]: Nope.

2007-07-23 [The Black Goat]: thank you!

2007-07-23 [Aki Neko]: Your welcome.

2007-07-23 [The Black Goat]: ^^'

2007-07-23 [Aki Neko]: nya!

2007-07-24 [TheKingdomLight]: ^^ XD ha!

2007-07-24 [The Black Goat]: GRR!


2007-07-24 [The Black Goat]: RAWR!

2007-07-24 [TheKingdomLight]: hehe

2007-07-24 [*(.Randi.)*]: What's your favorite color?

2007-07-24 [TheKingdomLight]: green!

2007-07-24 [Aki Neko]: Oo

2007-07-24 [TheKingdomLight]: what?

2007-07-24 [Aki Neko]: I dont know.

2007-07-25 [*(.Randi.)*]: Aki? Favorite color?

2007-07-25 [Aki Neko]: Teal.

2007-07-25 [*(.Randi.)*]: *nods* Ah, well, mine is Violet. ^^

2007-07-25 [Aki Neko]: Nice color.^_^

2007-07-25 [The Black Goat]: Indigo!

2007-07-25 [Aki Neko]: Cute..

2007-07-25 [*(.Randi.)*]: Indigo is in the same color family as violet!! *nods*

2007-07-25 [Aki Neko]: It is huh? Actually, you need blue to make all those colors. ^_^

2007-07-26 [The Black Goat]: Blue and purple are good.....

2007-07-26 [Aki Neko]: Blue and green

2007-07-26 [TheKingdomLight]: Green black and purple! mainly green!

2007-07-26 [Aki Neko]: XD

2007-07-26 [TheKingdomLight]: I already anwerd that qeuestin XDDD

2007-07-26 [Aki Neko]: Mew.

2007-07-26 [TheKingdomLight]: hehehe

2007-07-26 [Aki Neko]: Only since its links color.

2007-07-26 [TheKingdomLight]: NOPE! I LIKE GREEN CUASE ITS SMEXY!!! lol

2007-07-26 [Aki Neko]: Oo

2007-07-26 [TheKingdomLight]: And it's a very pretty color it reminds me of feilds and soft green grass and my best friend so the color is a very important thing to me!

2007-07-26 [Aki Neko]: XD Thats so cool!

2007-07-26 [TheKingdomLight]: yeah it is so thats why I love green!

2007-07-26 [Aki Neko]: XD

2007-07-26 [TheKingdomLight]: hehehe

2007-07-26 [Aki Neko]: I love teal, since its...well, alot of reasons.

2007-07-26 [TheKingdomLight]: lol name a few for meh

2007-07-26 [Aki Neko]: 1)The color of my RP's lover.
2)The color made for the sea
3)The color of tears

There! Some.

2007-07-26 [TheKingdomLight]: ^^ Well those are kool ^^

2007-07-26 [Aki Neko]: ^_^

2007-07-26 [TheKingdomLight]: green's better ^^

2007-07-26 [Aki Neko]: XD Teal is a mixture of blue and green.

2007-07-26 [TheKingdomLight]: i know ^^

2007-07-26 [Aki Neko]: WEEEEEEE

2007-07-26 [TheKingdomLight]: weeeeeeeeeeeheheheeeee

2007-07-26 [Aki Neko]: XD

2007-07-26 [TheKingdomLight]: XDD

2007-07-26 [Aki Neko]: MEW!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-07-26 [TheKingdomLight]: heheh

2007-07-26 [Aki Neko]: ^_

2007-07-26 [The Black Goat]: I love Indigo, but also burgundy (sp?) and the dark smokey lavender which I have no name for.

2007-07-26 [TheKingdomLight]: lol

2007-07-26 [Aki Neko]: Nice.

2007-07-26 [*(.Randi.)*]: Actually, teal is a more metallic color than, say, turquoise or aqua-marine.

2007-07-27 [Aki Neko]: Oh.

2007-07-27 [The Black Goat]: yersh....

2007-07-27 [TheKingdomLight]: lol i already new that

2007-07-28 [The Black Goat]: *scratches head* I like rave wine too...

2007-07-28 [*(.Randi.)*]: *eyebrow*

2007-07-28 [The Black Goat]: the color.. not the drink....

2007-07-29 [TheKingdomLight]: ^^

2007-07-29 [The Black Goat]: tis a pretty color.. I'd like it for my bedroom

2007-07-29 [TheKingdomLight]: athenin green!

2007-07-29 [The Black Goat]: <'

2007-07-29 [TheKingdomLight]: ?

2007-07-29 [The Black Goat]: whoops... it was ><'

2007-07-29 [TheKingdomLight]: oh hehe

2007-07-29 [The Black Goat]: yesh.... ^^'

2007-07-29 [TheKingdomLight]: ^^

2007-07-29 [The Black Goat]: soooo......

2007-07-29 [TheKingdomLight]: sooooo

2007-07-29 [The Black Goat]: I like apple pie....

2007-07-29 [TheKingdomLight]: me to

2007-07-29 [The Black Goat]: and choclate....

2007-07-29 [TheKingdomLight]: yup

2007-07-29 [The Black Goat]: and oh! I love cheese cake!

2007-07-29 [TheKingdomLight]: yummmmmmmm

2007-07-29 [The Black Goat]: and the chocolate kind and all soprt of chessey cake

2007-07-29 [*(.Randi.)*]: I loooove cheese cake! It's my favorite thing in the entire world! -dances-

2007-07-30 [The Black Goat]: YUM!!!

2007-07-30 [*(.Randi.)*]: What's your favorite type of cheesecake?

2007-07-31 [TheKingdomLight]: thats hard! i like em all

2007-07-31 [*(.Randi.)*]: Heh, me too!! >.< but...chocolate marble is probably my favorite.

2007-07-31 [The Black Goat]: Regular is mine.. with whipcream! Mmmm... yummy!

2007-07-31 [TheKingdomLight]: hehehe

2007-07-31 [*(.Randi.)*]: -melts into whipped cream-

2007-07-31 [TheKingdomLight]: ACK! Scarry!!!!!!!

2007-07-31 [*(.Randi.)*]: -oozes onto the floor-

2007-07-31 [TheKingdomLight]: *stands in chair.* HA!

2007-08-01 [The Black Goat]: Yummy! Whip cream!

2007-08-01 [TheKingdomLight]: *is staning in chair*

2007-08-01 [*(.Randi.)*]: -oozes up chair leg-

2007-08-01 [TheKingdomLight]: *jumps on to ceiling and runs in circles*

2007-08-01 [The Black Goat]: *sniffs the puddle of Goddess and licks lips* MMM......

2007-08-02 [*(.Randi.)*]: -glides away from Nox-

2007-08-02 [TheKingdomLight]: *looks down at nox and the whip cream.* HII

2007-08-02 [The Black Goat]: *follows puddle* whipcream... oh here whipcreams..... *pulls out a spoona nd motions for Links to be quiet*

2007-08-02 [*(.Randi.)*]: -turns into a dog- GRRRRRRR!

2007-08-02 [TheKingdomLight]: *runs in circles still!!!* WEEEEEHEHEHEHEHE!!!!!

2007-08-02 [Aki Neko]: O O *Runs with her*

2007-08-02 [*(.Randi.)*]: -barks-

2007-08-02 [Aki Neko]: Mew!

2007-08-02 [*(.Randi.)*]: -attacks-

2007-08-02 [Aki Neko]: *Ducks*

2007-08-02 [TheKingdomLight]: YAY Aki is on!!!!*runs more and more*

2007-08-02 [*(.Randi.)*]: -wonders why aki turned into a DUCK-

2007-08-02 [Aki Neko]: Quack?*Aki duck*

2007-08-02 [TheKingdomLight]: XD ducks rock thats why!

2007-08-02 [Aki Neko]: ^>^

2007-08-02 [TheKingdomLight]: ^^

2007-08-02 [*(.Randi.)*]: -chases duck-

2007-08-02 [Aki Neko]: *Duck runs around*

2007-08-02 [TheKingdomLight]: *sits down on celing wacthing*

2007-08-02 [Aki Neko]: *Flaps little wings and hovers* Cool!

2007-08-02 [TheKingdomLight]: XD

2007-08-02 [Aki Neko]: *Hovers around* Quack!

2007-08-02 [TheKingdomLight]: ^^

2007-08-02 [Aki Neko]: *Continues hovering and quacking*

2007-08-02 [TheKingdomLight]: ^^ ^^ ^^ ect.

2007-08-02 [Aki Neko]:


2007-08-02 [TheKingdomLight]:


2007-08-02 [Aki Neko]: XD

2007-08-02 [The Black Goat]: *pouts* i wants the whip-ed cream!!!

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